Our Services
LASM is a partnership of three faith communities providing a variety of support services for older adult members of the partner congregations as well as any senior living in the Lindenwood Park neighborhood. Our services and programs include: medical transportation, minor home maintenance & repair, Stephen Ministry, information & referrals, social engagements, educational programming, and a monthly newsletter!
Case Management Services:
Shared knowledge of community resources. Needs assessments, benefits counseling, and family support.
saturday SERVANTS:
Volunteers assist senior homeowners with home maintenance, repair, and adaptation projects. Check us out in action!
LASM Newsletter:
An informative monthly newsletter with senior contributions and information about community resources. Check out the Senior News tab up top or click here, to see our past and current newsletters.
Lindenwood Area Senior Transportation (LAST):
Volunteer drivers take older adults to medical appointments.
Click HERE to learn more about this program!
Health promotion:
Educational workshops, health fairs and events in partnership with other local organizations.
Social Engagement:
We host day trips, social events, luncheons and much more! Join us for our biggest social event of the year: the Spring Fling!
Stephen Ministry:
Trained volunteers (Stephen Ministers) provided 1:1 Christian caregiving to older adults experiencing a difficult time such as: loss of a loved one, loneliness, isolation, chronic illness. To learn more about this nationally recognized model of ministry that LASM is a part of visit: https://www.stephenministries.org