Hello Lindenwood Area Senior News Readership.
Twice each year, in May and November, we come to you to ask of your support for our ministry. A contribution form and donation envelope are enclosed. Your support of LASM provides case management services for older adults in need of resources and support, the coordination and offering of social and educational programming, medical transportation services, home repairs/adaptations via our Saturday Servant program, one on one emotional/spiritual care via our Stephen Ministry program and this resourceful monthly newsletter!
Help us continue this amazing programs and plan for a successful 2024 by making an end-of-the-year donation to LASM. LASM is a 501c3 organization and gifts are tax deductible. Supporting LASM through an investment’s required minimum distribution or through an estate planning gift is another great way to give. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Katie Weintraub, MSW
Executive Director